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Different for you...

CPF and CNPJ Regularization - Clean Name

We act judicially in the regularization of the CPF and CNPJ in the Credit Protection Agencies and in the Notary Offices in relation to undue Protests and supported by the Legislation, via protective measure where creditors will not be able to blacklist or protest the same debt again, and with this the client will have an excellent period to reestablish the settlement of the original debt or even if the main debt is time-barred under the current legislation.

Art.42 - CDC [...]  

Sole paragraph: The consumer charged an undue amount has the right to recovery of the undue amount, for an amount equal to twice the amount paid in excess, plus monetary correction and legal interest, except in cases of justifiable error.... It is necessary to demonstrate in the Action for recovery of undue amount that the creditor acted in bad faith by charging an undue amount on purpose.


Art.43-2 - CDC  

The opening of the register, file, record and personal and consumption data must be communicated in writing to the consumer, when not requested by him/her, there are no exceptions.


Loan with Property Guarantee

We offer long-term loans with property as collateral, with flexible installments and the lowest interest rates on the market, together with the Financial Institutions and Fintechs we currently work with.

Even if you have a NEGATIVE credit history, we have a solution to release your credit, whether with legal restrictions, bank debt, SCPS, SERASA, PROTESTS, BAD CHECKS, etc.

It is a form of credit with real estate as collateral. With it, the creditor of the loan receives, from the debtor, a property as a form of collateral for the transaction, becoming the owner of it until the debt is paid. Thus, a process of fiduciary alienation with real estate as collateral occurs.


Opportunities Investors Buying and Selling Companies

We work in the process of intermediating the purchase or sale, which includes a brief study of the market and the public, identifying the client's needs and understanding how you can help them, presenting the solution and defining the next steps, preparing the proposal; negotiating; closing the sale; and formalizing the contract.

Our database and relationships allow us to find investors who not only have the interest, but the profile for each business we present. We have offices in New York, Portugal, Australia and China, as well as our local partners in Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo and the Northeast.


Financial Resources Brazil

There are many variables that affect decisions regarding obtaining financial resources in light of dynamic economic needs, consumer psychology, inflation, salary levels, costs, and competition.


We work on managing new partnerships with private and public financial institutions as well as funds and fintechs in order to obtain the best solution for each business within market guidelines, regulations and compliance.

Promoting the best results with lower interest rates or greater profitability for future investors or even in financial solutions is our mission.


International Funding China

Since 2002, the Brazil-China Chamber of Commerce for International Development (CCDIBC) has been working to strengthen diplomatic, commercial and cultural relations between Brazil and China, with the mission of bringing together individuals, organizations and companies to conduct business, with the main objective of structuring new businesses for income, capital markets, Venture Capital, Funding and Equity/export and Import processes. In addition to developing the Chinese market, we bring together commercial partnerships. We represent investment funds with financial institutions, suppliers, banks, individual investors, state-owned and private companies established in the * PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA *, with the objective of obtaining investments and/or financing and/or loans and/or funding, and/or equity and/or joint ventures and/or working capital and/or other forms of funding for segmented projects.

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